Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Lake Iamonia Lodge Wedding Ceremony Tallahassee Florida

About 15 miles up Meridian Road in Tallahassee, FL isĀ Lake Iamonia Lodge. It’s a super place for an outdoor wedding ceremony and inside reception. The lodge is rustic and unique giving guests a real taste of the Tallahassee South.

On Saturday, April 11th I had the pleasure of officiating Harry and Melissa’s Lake Iamonia Lodge wedding ceremony. We had planned for an outdoor ceremony including a unity tree planting ceremony. But Saturday ended up being a rainnnyyy day! When I arrived I asked Melissa what she wanted to do and she said she really really wanted to have the ceremony outside so we started gathering some umbrellas and were going to make it work. Then out of no where the rain lightened up and then it stopped!!!! The sun even came out!! I immediately told guests to go outside to the ceremony and have seat. Melissa was so excited to be able to have the ceremony outside!

Melissa’s Dad walked her down the isle. Melissa and I had corresponded for months putting together their perfect wedding ceremony. It was a lovely ceremony and everyone enjoyed it. The rain held off throughout the entire ceremony.

Lake Iamonia Lodge is great hidden place for a rustic outdoor Tallahassee wedding. I truly enjoyed being a part of Melissa and Harry’s wedding and wish them many many years of happiness.

Me with the newly married Melissa and Harry.

Me with the newly married Melissa and Harry.