Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Sand Key Clearwater Wedding Ceremony

After being together for eleven years Celina & Antwan were married on Saturday , July 19 at Sand Key Park in Clearwater. They have two beautiful children a 6 year old girl and a one year old boy with another boy due in November. They decided it was time to be married!! Celina & Antwan drove to Florida from Georgia. A few family members were able to be drive to Florida and join them at the ceremony and they had some other relatives in the area who were able to come to the ceremony. Celina contacted Charmaine two weeks ago to see if she was available to perform their Sand Key Clearwater wedding ceremony and if could George Sr.  was available to do photos. We were available and delighted to be a part of their Sand Key Clearwater wedding ceremony.

The wedding was an hour before sunset. On the day of the wedding the forecast was for thunderstorms. But, fortunately, we had some clouds which was just enough cloud coverage for it not to be uncomfortably hot but nice for photographs.

Happily married Photos by George Sr.

Just married! Photos by George Sr.

Celina & Antwan faced each other with love in their hearts throughout the ceremony.

Beautiful evening for a sunset Sand Key Clearwater wedding ceremony

Beautiful evening for a sunset Sand Key Clearwater wedding ceremony. Photos by George Sr.

Before the ceremony, Celina asked if I could have her sister sing a song at someplace in the ceremony. After the ring exchange I asked her sister, Helena, to come forward. She beautifully sang, “All of Me” by John Legend. I could see tears in the eyes of many guest, as well as, Celina. It was beautifully done.

Sings during ceremony. Photos by George Sr.

Helena singing during ceremony. Photos by George Sr.

After the ceremony and pictures, Celina & Antwan had a reception dinner at Rumba’s Island Grill in Clearwater. They were spending the rest of the week in St Petersburg before driving back to Georgia. Congratulations, Celina & Antwan!