Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Clearwater Beach Same-Sex Wedding Ceremony

Vilmari contacted me in November asking me to perform a commitment ceremony for her and her partner, Catherine. The ceremony was going to be on December 27, 2014. I let her know that I was available and would be honored to perform her ceremony. We discussed location and spoke about same sex marriage legalization in Florida. I let her know that if same sex marriages become legal in Florida that I would be glad to legalize their marriage license at no additional charge. Vilmari let me know about the domestic partnerships papers that were available to same sex couples and that they had completed their domestic partnership papers giving them some legal rights. I enjoyed speaking and corresponding with Vilmari and learning what was available for same sex couples. I hoped for her, and many other same sex couples, that Florida would soon recognize and legalize same sex marriages.

On the day of the ceremony it was raining. Vilmari asked to have George Sr do photographs. We had to change locations from Clearwater Beach to a shelter on Sand Key Park. The weather didn’t take away from the love that Vilmari and Catherine shared with each other. They’ve been together for over a year, and have so much fun together.  Vilmari wore a pretty red dress and Catherine was casually dressed in black slacks with a tie. They exchanged vows and I introduced them as “The Morris”.

Vilmari e-mailed me as soon as she heard the news that same sex marriage was going to be legalized in Florida. I was so happy for her and Catherine. They do plan on getting their Florida Marriage License and  I look forward to seeing them again and legalizing their marriage license.

Photos by George Sr.

Catherine and Vilmari at their wedding ceremony at Sand Key Park in Clearwater Florida. Charmaine officiated and Photos by George Sr.