Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Friday the 13th Tallahassee Wedding

Superstition didn’t stop Jamie and Justin from getting married on Friday, February 13th at Lichgate on High Rd in Tallahassee.

Jamie and Justin had a small intimate non-religious Lichgate on High Road Wedding Ceremony in Tallahassee with just a few family and friends. Instead of using the big oak tree at Lichgate on High Rd, which is what is typically done, they found a beautiful side area for their ceremony. I was in love with how beautiful they made the ceremony setup.

Wedding ceremony setup at Lichgate on High Road Tallahassee

Jamie and Justin’s Lichgate on High Road Wedding Ceremony

I officiated a short and sweet ceremony which included Jamie and Justin saying their own special vows to one and other. They were very touching. Their love was so strong! It didn’t matter that it was Friday the 13th they loved each other and had a wonderful joyous ceremony.

As a Tallahassee wedding officiant I get to see a lot of wedding setups and this Lichgate on High Road Wedding Ceremony was one to remember!