Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Lakeland Wedding Ceremony

Dara contacted me asking if I would be available to perform her Lakeland wedding ceremony on October 6th. She said that I had performed her daughter, Alexa, and son in-law, Scott’s, wedding in February 2013. It was now her turn to get married and since she was very pleased with her daughter’s wedding she hoped that I could perform her ceremony. This was very flattering and exciting for me! Fortunately, I was available and let her know I’d be honored to perform her wedding. Dara and Barry were having a small intimate wedding. She also asked if I had a photographer. I let her know that my husband George was a photographer and he could take pictures for them.

The wedding was on Saturday at The Terrace Hotel in downtown Lakeland in the Lake Mirror Room that overlooks Lake Mirror.


Lakeland Wedding Ceremony at The Terrace Hotel. Photos by George Sr.

It was a gorgeous day for a a Lakeland wedding ceremony. The beautiful window where the ceremony took place overlooked the lake and a beautiful park.

Dara looked stunning! She wore a hat that had a small bird cage veil covering her forehead and just a little bit of her right eye. She carried a beautiful bouquet of colorful mixed flowers and wore a white gown with a silver beaded high waistline trim. Barry wore a grey with a small tweed suit and a lavender colored shirt with a boutonnière to match Dara’s flowers.

Dara looking beautiful at her Lakeland wedding ceremony. Photos by George Sr.

Dara looking beautiful at her Lakeland wedding ceremony. Photos by George Sr.

Dara & Barry walked in together then I officiated a lovely ceremony.

Walking in together. Photos by George Sr.

Dara and Robert walking into the ceremony hand-in-hand. Photos by George Sr.

Her daughter, Alexa, stood next to her holding Dara’s little granddaughter. It was nice to see Alexa again whom I married and to see her now as a Mom. Barry’s Dad stood next to him.

Lakeland wedding ceremony officiated by Charmaine and Photos by George Sr.

Lakeland wedding ceremony officiated by Charmaine and Photos by George Sr.

Dara and Barry are very sentimental and didn’t want to have to say much. I could see the tears in both of their eyes as I was saying some of the words, “We’ll cherish the memories of our individual past; and create our new life as we go now together.”


Dara and Barry had so much love for one and other.

George Sr. took photos of all the family and guests after the ceremony. They were having a luncheon at hotel. Their Honeymoon would be next week; they were going to take their motorcycles up to North Carolina where they have property. They each have their own bikes plus one that they ride together on.  Dara e-mailed me on Monday and said, “Thank you!  It went really well and we could not be happier with the day!”

Congratulations Dara and Barry!!!

Congratulations Dara and Barry!!! We had a wonderful time being a part of your Lakeland Wedding Ceremony!