After 47 e-mails and 10 months of corresponding, I finally met and officiated Melissa & Mark’s Sand Key Park in Clearwater wedding on Saturday night. Melissa was having about 10-15 guest and the wedding party would be their three small children. She wanted to have a sand ceremony and asked for us to provide table and cloth covering. George Sr took photos and brought our portable i-pod player so we could provide the music for the ceremony. We also made a heart in the sand with yellow, red, and pink rose petals.
Mark wore a black tux with an orange tie and vest. Their youngest boy, Riley, was the ring bearer and first to walk down to the beach. He was so cute! Had on a black suite with an orange tie and vest that matched his Dad’s. When he walked up to Mark he handed him a note. Mark opened it and read, “I can’t wait to marry you, Mark.I love you Melissa.”

Riley looking sharp as he walks down the beach toward’s his Mom and Dad’s Sand Key Park in Clearwater wedding. Photos by George Sr.
The two daughters were flower girls Kayden and Bailey. They followed after Riley. They had pretty oranges dresses on and were adorable!!
Melissa then followed the girls. She looked beautiful. She wore a bear neck sleeveless white dress with a jeweled necklace. She was carrying a bouquet of yellow and orange flowers tied together with an orange ribbon that matched the orange colors of the wedding party.

Melissa walking down the beach isle at her Sand Key Park in Clearwater Wedding. Photos by George Sr.
Melissa and Mark have been together for over 6 years. They met at their jobs where Mark is a welder and Melissa was a bookkeeper. It was about time after 6 years that they were married!! You could see the love and joy they had for one another.

Officiating Melissa and Mark’s Sand Key Park in Clearwater wedding ceremony. You can see that they truly love each other!! Photos by George Sr.
The children participated in the sand ceremony with them. Filling the picture frame with pretty colored sands.

“Just as the grains of sand are poured from individual containers so will your marriage be.” Photos by George Sr.
George Sr. took pictures, before, after and during the ceremony. Just as he was taking photos he noticed the dark clouds rolling in. Fortunately most of the photos were done. He wanted to do a few more, but it was starting to rain. Then it started to pour. He and everyone from the wedding were able to run and not get totally soaked. At least all went well for the ceremony and photos. It was so nice to meet Melissa after so many months of corresponding and planning together. She e-mailed me the following day saying, “Thanks for everything. You guys did an amazing job!!!”