Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Surprise Vow Renewal Ceremony at Sand Key Park

I love seeing husbands plan surprise vow renewal ceremonies for their wives. Jim called me and wanted to plan a surprise vow renewal ceremony with his wife Erla. They would be celebrating their 20 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday. He wanted a ceremony on the beach on Sunday February15th in the afternoon. We discussed our game plan. I suggested Surprise Vow Renewal Ceremony at Sand Key Park. He thought that was great!  He would take his wife out to brunch and after lunch he say, “let’s go over to the park for a walk on the beach.“ He asked me about restaurants in the area. I suggested Columbia Restaurant on Sand Key. He checked it out on line and made the reservations. We had started our plans. He didn’t know how to give me a deposit without his wife questioning the charge or debit on the account. So he had his daughter call and give me the deposit. He thought of everything! The one plan we needed to put in place was how it would all play out meeting at the park. He doesn’t have a cell phone so I couldn’t text him. We chuckled about that, but went on to figure out our plans. We decided on a time and location in the park where we would meet. On Sunday he had his daughter text me and tell me what he and his wife Erla were wearing and the kind of car to look for. It worked!!! I saw them strolling on the beach and went up to Erla and asked her if she was Erla Turich. She looked at me questioningly. I went on to say, “Your husband shared with me a special occasion that you will be celebrating on Wednesday, and asked me here today to perform a vow renewal ceremony celebrating your 20 year wedding anniversary” She was so surprised…

I performed the ceremony and took a few photos for them. Just like they were still newlyweds still so much in love with each other. They were both so happy and thankful!! I had so much fun working with Jim and being part of their Surprise Vow Renewal Ceremony at Sand Key Par.

Surprise Vow Renewal Ceremony at Sand Key Park

Jim surprised his wife on their anniversary with a surprise wow renewal ceremony at Sand Key Park