Julie and Colleen love nature, manatees, and kayaking so when deciding on a spot for their wedding ceremony Wakulla Springs State Park was the perfect choice.
Wakulla Springs State Park is located just outside Tallahassee. There’s a historic lodge, swimming area, and guided riverboat tours.
Julie and Colleen decided to charter a riverboat and get married on the Wakulla river! I was so excited to have the opportunity to be their riverboat wedding officiant.

Boat we went on for Julie and Colleen’s Wakulla Springs riverboat wedding ceremony
On the day of the wedding the weather was perfect!!! All the guests gathered at the dock awaiting the riverboat. The Ranger boat captain bordered everyone onto the boat then Julie walk down the dock escorted by her brother and Colleen escorted by her son. Then we set off on the riverboat tour. The Ranger was wonderful. She guided us about halfway down the river pointing out animals and nature. When we got to a spot where she could turn of the boat engine and let us drift she did and we began ceremony.
I stood on the step above Julie and Colleen and officiated the ceremony we had put together. We had worked hard to create a ceremony that was personalized and perfect for this unique wedding. It included a reading from their niece. At the end of the ceremony as I was about to pronounce them married, Julie pointed right near my head and said “Hey, Amanda, there’s a lizard near you! Haha!” After a quick laugh, I joyfully pronounce Julie and Colleen partners for life, in life!

Officiating Julie and Colleen’s heartfelt wedding Wakulla Springs riverboat wedding ceremony.
Magically right after their first married kiss a manatee emerged from the water! We couldn’t have planned it better!!

All smiles and happily married!
After the ceremony the Ranger started the remaining riverboat tour. When we got back to the dock guests headed to the Wakulla Springs Lodge for an afternoon lunch. It was truly a beautiful day!!!

Pretty reception at the Wakulla Lodge for guests to enjoy after the Wakulla Springs riverboat wedding ceremony

Me with the newly married Julie and Colleen on their Wakulla Springs riverboat wedding ceremony.