Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg

On Saturday Oct 18th, I performed Amanda & Joey’s wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg. This was their destination wedding. Amanda’s parents & a few of Joey’s family members were present at the wedding. Sunken Gardens is such a pretty place for a wedding. All the garden greenery, plants, tropical birds, waterfalls, and flowers really create such a beautiful setting for a tropical garden wedding. They didn’t want a beach wedding and after a great deal of research Amanda knew Sunken Gardens was where she wanted to be married.

It was a perfect day for a wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg

It was a perfect day for a wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg

Amanda & Joey recently moved from Georgia to Northern Maine where she is from. They met when Amanda was doing an internship in Georgia. Joey is a police officer. They needed someone to assist with a job where they would be breaking down a door. This was going to be one of her internship assignments, and that’s how they me.

The wedding was in the North Lawn where a canopy of shade trees are located in the Oak Pavilion. The reception was going to be held late afternoon at Fresco’s in St Petersburg. Amanda & Joey had a very nice wedding. Amanda had prepared a music CD that she had timed perfectly for the wedding. Joey knew just what song and where in the song that he was to walk out and he knew just when she would be walking out. Her father looked emotional as he gave his daughter away. Amanda looked so pretty. She held a gorgeous bouquet, and just looked so elegant. They had a sand ceremony and invited guest to have a champagne toast and cake in the garden after the ceremony. The Cake Lady made a gorgeous cake with colorful flowers and palm trees frosted along the sides of the cake. After the toast guest were invited to enjoy Sunken Gardens and then meet them at Fresco’s for dinner later in the afternoon. Amanda & Joey were spending a few more days in Florida before returning to Maine.

Amanda e-mailed, and thanked me for everything.

Beautiful cake made by the Cake Lady

Beautiful cake made by The Cake Lady

Me with Amanda and Joey at their wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg

Me with Amanda and Joey at their wedding at Sunken Gardens in St Petersburg