Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Celtic Hand Fasting Ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding

I recently performed a Celtic Hand Fasting Ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding.  I hadn’t performed a wedding with a Hand Fasting ceremony in awhile so I was excited for the opportunity.

Celtic Hand Fasting ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding picture by Megan Pitts

Celtic Hand Fasting ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding picture by Megan Pitts

Hand fasting ceremonies can be done in a variety of ways. Typically, as the ceremony is performed expressions of intent are asked to bride and groom. As each expression of intend is recited a binding is placed over their hands. For this ceremony I used red ropes for the binding. Ribbons are also commonly used. The couple starts off with holding hands. One partner with the left hand the other with the right. An expression of intent is recited to each partner such as, “will you share in laughter and look for the brightness and positive in him or her?” When they reply “I will” a binding is done with the ropes over their hands. The binding crosses over their hands and continues with each expression of intent thus binding their hands together.  The couple continues to keep their hands bound as the ceremony continues. When it is time for the ring exchange the binding is then released. The binding is given to the couple at the end of the ceremony for a keepsake souvenir.

The Celtic Hand Fasting Ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding ceremony was at sunset. I sprinkled fresh red rose pedals in the sand and I performed the Celtic hand fasting ceremony binding them together for eternity. The final binding sealed with a kiss. My photographer partner, Megan Pitts, took photos before, after, and during the ceremony.

The couple repeatedly thanked me and were very happy. I really enjoyed working with them to create their special Celtic Hand Fasting Ceremony Sand Key Park Wedding.