Tallahassee: 850-322-0911

Clearwater: 727-641-3374

Do we officiate same sex marriages in Clearwater & Tallahassee Florida?

We get frequent calls for our Tampa, Clearwater, and Tallahassee wedding officiant services. All to often during our initial phone calls and emails when we gather information about the wedding and how we can be of service we are asked, “Do you officiate same sex marriages in Clearwater & Tallahassee Florida?”. Our many pictures will tell you the answer is, yes!

We are proud supporters of marriage equality in Florida and happy to officiated same-sex wedding ceremonies Jumping for joyOfficiating wedding ceremony in Terry and Roger's Tallahassee home. Photo by Lance Oliver.

Since January of 2015 when Florida passed the law allowing same sex marriages, we have joined a number of men and men and women and women in matrimony. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know these couples and hearing their stories. Many of the same sex marriages we’ve officiated have been together for many years and are so thrilled to be able to get legally married.

Still when we get asked “Do we officiate same sex marriages in Clearwater & Tallahassee Florida?” We feel disappointed that the question has to be asked. Love is love is how we feel about it. We at A Beautiful Wedding In Florida will be honored to perform your ceremony and correspond with you in preparing your vow pieces. We officiate small to large ceremonies at venues, homes, beach, and in private areas. We understand that as a same sex couple you might not want to walk out onto a public beach and get married. Contact us to discuss what you want for your wedding and we’ll do our best to make it happen.


We proudly support marriage equality


Sunken Gardens St Petersburg ceremonyunnamed-5