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How to Include Children in Your Wedding Ceremony

We are often asked about If and How to Include Children in Your Wedding Ceremony or Vow renewal ceremony

Yes, you can certainly include children into your ceremony. These are are few ways, of how to include children in your wedding ceremony:

  • Unity Sand Ceremony
  • Family Poem
  • Unity Candle
  • Giving a gift to the children

Unity sand ceremony– The unity sand ceremony has an empty vase on a table, along with bottles of colored sand for each member participating in the sand ceremony. The couple and each child participating can have their own bottle of color sand. The officiant will invite the children to join the couple.

The sands are blended together into the empty vase on the table. Each container of sands represents each individual participating in the ceremony.

When the sands are blended together they symbolize the uniting of the children along with the couple being married or renewing their vows. Just as the individual containers of sands can never be separated into there own containers so will your lives be joined together as one family never to be separated.

This is a beautiful way to symbolize the joining of families and children have fun being involved in the ceremony with the pouring of the sand.

Family Poem–  the officiant will invite the children to join the couple being married and the family will join hands. The officiant would then recite the family poem as the family is joined together.

After the poem is recited the family is asked to give one another a loving family hug. The poem can also be done along with a unity  sand ceremony.

including children in your wedding

Including Children in Your Wedding

Children are a special part of many couples’ lives, so it’s no surprise that many want to include them in their wedding ceremony.

From cute flower girls and ring bearers to readings and special vows, there are endless ways to involve children in your big day.

Whether they are your own kids, nieces, nephews, or family friends, including children can add an extra layer of love and joy to your wedding celebration.

Here are some creative ideas to help you incorporate the little ones in your special day!

Planning Your Big Day with Little Ones

Factors to Consider When Including Children

While planning your wedding with children involved, there are several factors to consider.

Ensuring the comfort and enjoyment of the little ones is vital to a successful celebration.

Some factors to keep in mind include the age of the children, their relationship to the couple, and their personalities.

  • Consider the ages of the children and their attention spans.
  • Think about their relationship to the couple and how they will fit into the ceremony.
  • Account for their personalities and any special considerations they may need.

Though it may require some additional planning, including children in your wedding can create unforgettable moments for everyone involved.

Tips for a Child-Friendly Wedding Environment

Clearly, creating a child-friendly environment at your wedding is crucial for the happiness of both the kids and the adults. By taking some simple steps, you can ensure that your big day is enjoyable for guests of all ages.

  • Provide entertainment such as coloring books or games to keep children occupied.
  • Consider setting up a designated kids’ table with activities to keep them engaged.
  • Offer kid-friendly meal options to cater to their tastes and preferences.

Planning ahead for a child-friendly wedding environment can make a significant difference in how smoothly your celebration runs. This way, both parents and children can relax and enjoy the festivities.

Assigning Roles to the Youngsters

At A Beautiful Wedding In Florida, we believe every child can play a unique role that suits their personality and comfort level.

For the quieter kids, consider non-speaking roles like petal throwers or bubble blowers, which allow them to participate without the spotlight.

For those little ones with a flair for the dramatic, a small performance or dance can be a charming addition to the reception.

Remember to provide activities like coloring books or small games at their table, so they remain entertained throughout the event.

Including children not only makes your wedding more memorable but also ensures that the celebration is inclusive and fun for guests of all ages.

Traditional Roles for Children

Some common traditional roles for children in a wedding ceremony include flower girls who sprinkle petals down the aisle, ring bearers who carry the wedding bands, and junior bridesmaids or groomsmen who assist in the ceremony.

Creative Ways to Include Children in Non-Traditional Roles

Children can also play unique roles in a wedding ceremony that reflect their personalities and interests. Get creative and think outside the box to assign roles like a sign holder, a bubble blower, or a mini-master of ceremonies to add a special touch to your big day.

For instance, you could have a young music aficionado play a musical instrument during the ceremony, or a little artist create a painting or drawing to commemorate the occasion.

Let the children’s talents shine and make them feel like an necessary part of your special day.

including children in wedding on Clearwater beach

Preparing the Kids for the Wedding

How-To: Rehearsals and Practice Sessions

All the excitement and buzz of a wedding can be overwhelming for children, so it’s important to involve them in rehearsals and practice sessions.

You can make it fun by turning it into a game or assigning them special roles to help them feel included and prepared for the big day.

Outfit Tips and Comfort Considerations

Comfort is key when it comes to outfitting children for a wedding. Make sure their attire allows them to move freely and comfortably.

Consider the weather and venue when choosing their outfits, and opt for soft fabrics that won’t irritate their skin. Note, happy kids make for smooth sailing on the wedding day!

  • Choose breathable fabrics to keep the kids cool.
  • Have a backup outfit in case of spills or accidents.
  • Remember to bring along comfortable shoes for dancing.

Comfort: When opting for outfits for the little ones, prioritize their comfort over everything else. Kids tend to get antsy if their clothes are too tight or itchy, so opt for loose-fitting, soft garments that they can easily move and play in. Note, a happy and comfortable child is more likely to enjoy the wedding festivities!

  • Consider adding padding to shoes to prevent blisters.
  • Keep accessories to a minimum to avoid any discomfort.

Kids: Involving children in your wedding ceremony can be a beautiful and heartwarming experience. Remember to communicate clearly with them about their roles and expectations, and make sure to factor in breaks and quiet time for them throughout the day. With some thoughtful planning and consideration for their comfort, the kids will be shining stars in your special day.

On the Wedding Day

Keeping Children Engaged and Happy

Many couples worry about how to keep children engaged and happy during the wedding ceremony. Providing them with activities like coloring books, toys, or small games can help keep them occupied during the ceremony.

It’s also a good idea to assign a responsible adult to supervise the children and ensure they are well-behaved.

How-To: Photography with the Little Ones

Happy children make for beautiful photographs. Assign a special time for pictures with the little ones, where they can be themselves and have fun. Encourage natural interactions and genuine smiles to capture the joy and innocence of childhood in your wedding photos.

Children can bring an element of spontaneity and joy to wedding photos. Consider including them in candid shots, like playing with the wedding decor or chasing each other around the venue.

These moments can add a sense of playfulness and love to your wedding album.

Family Poem

A family is …..The sweetest feelings, The warmest hugs, Trust and togetherness
Unconditional love
The stories of our lives written on the same page
The nicest memories anyone has ever made
Treasured photos
Thankful tears
Hearts overflowing with all the years
Being there for one another
Supporting and caring
Understanding, Helping, Sharing
Walking life’s path together
And making the journey more beautiful because …..
We are a family…..
And a family is Love.

Unity Candle Ceremony- children can also participate in unity candle lighting ceremony. Similar to a unity sand ceremony there is a center candle then each family member has their own candles. The individual candles are light then during the ceremony the family will take their lit candles and together light the center candle.  As the center candle is lit the flame symbolizes the brightness of each individual’s own lives that they bring to the family.

Jewelry or gift– often the couple being married wants to give their children a gift to remember this special day. We enjoy incorporating the giving of this gift into the ceremony. Before the couple exchange their rings the parents will give a gift to their children. The gift can be a piece of jewelry, pocket watch, or anything you feel is special. We recently had a couple get bracelets made that had the coordinates of the wedding location engraved on it.

We have officiated a number of ceremonies with children participating. All very loving and bonding a true family relationship.  Often marriage is viewed as the union of two people. Yet marriages not only unite the couple, it unites the families. With the changing structure of what a family is in today’s world we are offered unique and wonderful opportunities to simply increase the number of loving caring relationships we have in our lives.

Final Words

Taking this into account, incorporating children into your wedding ceremony can be a wonderful and heartwarming experience for everyone involved. Whether they are your own children, nieces, nephews, or family friends, including them in your special day can create lasting memories and make them feel like an important part of the celebration.

With these ideas and tips, you can find the perfect way to involve children in your wedding ceremony and make it a day to remember for both you and them.


Q: Why should we include children in our wedding ceremony?

A: Including children in your wedding ceremony can make them feel like an important part of the new family you are creating. It can also symbolize the blending of families and the coming together of different generations.

Q: How can we include children in our wedding ceremony?

A: There are many ways to include children in your wedding ceremony. Some popular options include having them as flower girls or ring bearers, including them in a sand ceremony or candle lighting ceremony, or having them do a special reading or performance during the ceremony.

Q: What are some tips for successfully including children in our wedding ceremony?

A: To successfully include children in your wedding ceremony, it’s important to consider their ages and personalities. Make sure to involve them in a way that makes them feel comfortable and included. Also, be sure to communicate with them beforehand about their roles and what will be expected of them on the big day.